After the test for effects on the pricing profit margin from underwriting profit margin and investment rate of return, it was concluded that the effect on pricing profit margin from underwriting profit margin was greater than the effect from investment rate of return. 用敏感性分析来测试承保利润率和投资收益率对定价利润因子的影响程度时,发现了承保利润率对定价利润因子的影响要大于投资收益率对定价利润因子的影响。
The investment profit margin, the investment profits and taxes rate, the static investment recycling time are the real estate investment static finance appraisal target. 投资利润率、投资利税率、静态投资回收期是房地产投资的静态财务评价指标,适用于项目的初步评价。
The profit margin of the property insurance is much higher than that of the banking industry, which indicates the dispose rate of the property insurance is too low. 我国产险市场绩效不佳的具体表现是:产险业利润率长期比银行业的利润率高出许多表明产险业的资源配置效率低下;
Secondly, underwriting profit margin and investment rate of return were expounded in detail. 接下来对模型中的承保利润率和投资收益率是如何影响定价利润因子的分别进行了详细的介绍。
While IPO initial profit margin in A-shares market closely correlate to lucky number ratio, IPO prices, initial opening price and first day trading ratio, that in H-shares market correlates to growth rate of corporate net earnings and Hang Seng Index. A股市场的新股初始收益率与中签率、发行价、上市首日开盘价、上市首日换手率显著相关,而H股市场的新股初始收益率则与净利润增长率、香港恒生指数显著相关。
Comparative Study of A-shares and H-shares IPO Initial Profit Margin Perspective of Stock Profit Rate A股、H股新股初始收益率比较研究
However, the profit margin of wheat, rapeseed and pig is low, therefore, the fluctuating of loan rate will do harm to the producers of wheat, rapeseed and pig. 但小麦生产、油菜籽生产及农户散养生猪的利润率较低,贷款利率的浮动可能会制约生产这些产品的农户获得贷款。
The research discovers that: ( 1) Whether enjoy the tax preference has the obvious influence to main camp service profit margin, property net profit rate and property ratio of debt. 研究发现:(1)是否享受税收优惠对主营业务利润率、资产净利率和资产负债率有显著影响;
In consideration of the practical condition and the time serial covered by the research, the author ascertained that the factors affecting investment in fixed assets are profit margin, interest rate and expectation. 考虑到钢铁行业的实际情况和数据的可得性,本文确定了影响固定投资的因素为利润率,利率和期望。